Skydive Jersey Ltd. recognises Modern slavery, and is committed to protecting both young people and adults from abuse.

Modern examples could be as simple as employees being forced to work exceptionally long hours, unacceptable living conditions for staff living on site, money deducted from wages, working without terms of employment and threats to terminate employment if instructions are not carried out.

Modern Slavery can be defined as:

The controlling of another by force, power, fear, intimidation, deception, or ownership in order to exploit them, typically for sexual, labour, criminal or domestic purposes.

Human trafficking can be defined as:

The recruitment or movement of people by force, deceit or threat for such exploitation – in other words, the recruitment or movement of Modern Slavery victims.

This policy applies to the staff, volunteers, customers and visitors at Skydive Jersey, and it is their responsibility to prevent, detect and report any concerns involving modern slavery.  If an individual is unsure whether a particular act or treatment of workers constitutes as modern slavery, they are advised to report the concern to the Management Team or follow the Skydive Jersey Whistleblower Policy.

Skydive Jersey’s recruitment process ensures that all employees are legally entitled to work in Jersey and to safeguard them from any coercion or abuse. Skydive Jersey will not enter into business with any organisation which is involved with or knowingly supports modern slavery in any of its forms.

Skydive Jersey upholds this policy by:

  • Educating staff on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and informing them of the appropriate action to take if they suspect modern slavery is taking place
  • Continuing to take action to embed a zero tolerance policy towards modern slavery
  • Providing a whistleblower policy which provides a way to raise any concerns regarding modern slavery within Skydive Jersey

Any employee or volunteer who breaches the policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct.

Spot the Signs of Modern Slavery.

  • Physical Appearance/Neglect
  • Isolation
  • Poor Living Conditions
  • Restricted Freedom of Movement
  • Unusual Travel Times
  • Reluctant to seek help

What can you do?

If you think a child or adult is being abused or exploited in any way you can call us on 612612 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

In an emergency, if someone is in immediate danger, call 999.

The Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 have a range of interpreters, so be sure to tell them what language you speak, or would prefer to converse in.